Wednesday, October 7, 2009


(I've always loved this picture)

I can not have something new to write about every day since the same thing is bothering me in my mind constantly, it's hard. So, same same.

Besides from that, I am having a headache, the too many cups of coffee are hammering in my noggin and I think there's no way to curb it.

I spoke to my mom briefly yesterday, just checking on the trip and such, spoke to Christopher, my brother that is.

1 comment:

  1. Kiitos, itsekkin tykkään tatuoinnistani. :) Ja voisin itekki aloittaa jonkun kuntosalilla käymisen niin sais vähän liikuntaakin. Ja hyvää alkavaa viikonloppua sinnekkin!
